Donate to help Recope make a difference
Your donation contributes to keeping Recope fees affordable and ensuring that everyone in need of our service gets the opportunity.
Recope has been a registered charity since 1976 and provides tax receipts for donations.
Recope receives partial funding from Interior Health (27%). The balance of the operating budget comes from user fees and donations. Strong fund raising helps us to keep user fees affordable. Recope is thankful for the generous and longstanding support from the Summerland Healthcare Auxiliary and other organization, but we need your help too.
100% of funds raised will be used locally in Summerland for direct programming expenses to help improve health and quality of life for citizens in the community.
Donations can be made via e-transfer to manager@recope.ca or by contacting Caitlyn for more options.

Summerland Supports Recope

Interior Health
Summerland Health Care Auxiliary
Community Foundation of the South Similkameen|Okanagan
Apple Valley Cruisers
Kiwanis Club of Summerland
Rotary Club of Summerland
Royal Canadian Legion - Summerland BranchRotary CluKi
And numerous Private Donors
Development of this website was funded by a grant from the Community Foundation of the South Okanagan|Similkameen