Join Recope
Let us help you get moving on the path to health and fitness. Start by asking your doctor to make a referral.
Once we have received the referral we will contact you by phone to review your medical history, rehabilitation needs and to set up an initial visit.
On your first visit the Recope Kinesiologist, Occupational or Physical Therapist will assess your exercise needs and make personalized participation recommendations to get you started in the group classes safely.
An Introductory fee of $90 included Recope membership, intake assessment, and 2 weeks of classes. Subsequent classes are $10 per session based on monthly registration and prepayment.

Interested in volunteering? Join us to lend a hand to clients who need a buddy for balance until they regain enough mobility and confidence to do class independently. Volunteer training and support are provided.
Contact Caitlyn at 250-486-6611 to ask more about volunteering.
Volunteering at Recope gives me a way to help others which in turn makes me feel useful and happy. I retired years ago but still get a thrill out of seeing someone improve their health and knowing that my encouragement helped them achieve their goals. A listening ear, a human touch and feeling calm and uplifted by the water. Come to Recope and experience helping with support and input from professionals. You too will enjoy the benefits!
Long time volunteer Ann S